Health tip of the day: make like your cat

Stretching helps to massage fluid gently back into its usual position in muscles

And stretch first thing in the morning. That urge you have to stretch as you get out of bed? It’s because your muscles lose tone and fluid pools along your back while you sleep. When you stretch, it helps to massage fluid gently back into its usual position.

Spend about ten minutes first thing stretching. Reach upwards by raising your arms towards the sky, stretch your neck by turning your head to each side, and lay on your side to stretch your quads and spine. Finish by stretching each leg straight upwards from a lying flat position on the floor, and roll your ankles a few times while you’re at it.

Your muscles, handily, have a built in protection from over-extension by inhibiting the nerve impulses as they approach their limit, so feel free to stretch as enthusiastically as you can manage while you’re still half asleep.